Tuesday 3 May 2011


Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?


I think I have improved in many ways from the preliminary task, firstly by the main image, as it is more clearer and efficient to have one main person in the image in a close up shot making it better for the reader to react to the image with facial expression.
 I think that my masthead for the music magazine is also a vast improvement as it is short simple and goes well with the genre of my magazine which is good for the audience to remember. 
In the preliminary task I also did not use enough sell lines, which in my music magazine I think I have improved on as it now has many ways to attract the reader. 
 My slogan for the final magazine I feel is much better and more professional as I think for my preliminary task the slogan was to long and complicated, again the reader will find it more amusing and remembered with my final one. 
 I also think the layout and colour scheme is more exciting and works well together better than the preliminary task as I don't think the colours worked well at all with the main image. 
   It is also down to also the way in which I used the technology, as I did the preliminary task earlier in the course, I was not as familiar with the programmes in use such as paint shop pro, therefore I did not erase the background on the main image which is visible to see. From my final magazine cover however it is visible to see the great difference and how professional and more realistic it looks and how the colours work better with the solid black background.


I think that I have improved vastly on my knowledge of the magazine industry with the production, distributing and in ways that it must attract to the audience. By great practice on using the programmes and experiencing on the creating of my own products I have been able to improve my skills and developed a wider knowledge.
Overall I am pleased with what I have created being the cover, double page spread, and contents page. I think that they are realistic and similar to what is currently sold on the shelves of our retail shop, as my market research helped take place.

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