Tuesday 3 May 2011


How did you attract/address your target audience? 

My magazine attracts the audience in many ways not only by it's content but most importantly appearance.
Images play an important role in this as they are what the audience first catch eye to, the most important image being the main image appearing on the front cover. This image is extremely vital as it is what the reader can immediately make a perception from of the magazine. My main image is the featured artist in the magazine being a young male, which works with the magazine because of the target audience being the majority young males under 21. This can address the reader as they can put themselves in the position of the famous artist. The picture is also a close up image with the artist looking deep into the camera lens, which allows the image to attract the audience into the artist and the magazine's story.
Layout and Colour  are also important as it is due to the visual perception that first attracts the reader. I think my layout and colours do this by the use of bright bold colours used throughout all pages, which are also associated with the 'raving' known for the target audience. I think the boldness and the use of stand out colour also address the reader as it is an indicator of their lively personalities. 
The content also attracts the reader by the main story of the artist where they can not only find out his lifestyle and background, but give them information on their favourite artists new music to be released.

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