Tuesday 3 May 2011


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Social groups are presented in my product through different ways, most clearly being trough the images of the magazine. 
The main images of the artist Reece White, in every photo is wearing large headphones around his neck. This indicates that he is a DJ by using music deck's and speakers, this immediately shows that the magazine focuses on the younger generation and shows that they are lively and like to party. However this genre focuses more on the male social group, not only because of the majority of DJ's are male artists, but because males generally seem to appeal to the harsh upbeat music being 'Rave' and 'Dance'. Although it also shows represents the female social group, as it is common for a female to adore a young male artist who they 'fancy'.
 Also the picture of the Ibiza scenery indicates the stereotypical young party animal that would love a holiday in Ibiza (The world's biggest party destination). The picture of the club in my contents page also represents the young party hooligans.  These social groups are also visible in my written mission statements of the target audience called 'The Hardcore Raver'.
   The social group is also represented in my written article by the way the artist 'Reece White' speaks in young slang talk such as 'I'm loving it large!' and 'Sleep all day, party all night!'. From this dialogue it showing the social group who are a fan of this artist being to live freely and have their own style of language to the way they talk.
   The social group my magazine focuses on is in the image below.

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