Thursday 5 May 2011

Music Magazine - Questionnaire Evaluation

Front Cover
1. What do you associate with the name 'BEATZ' of the magazine?
-Hard beat music
-Up Beats

The results from this question show that all people asked associate the masthead with Music. Seven of the people however, went into detail of associating them with a specific type or style of music. The majority of the people associate with style of music with a strong deep beat which is successful of what I wanted to create with the masthead.

2. What does the main image on the front cover make you think of?
-Young peoples music

These results show that all of the answers are associated with music, which is a positive result for it is the perception I wanted. Also four of the people in question said DJ which is successful in my main image as they can clearly see the role of the male. Three people asked also thought of a younger generation which is also my target audience of the magazine.

3.Which of the cover  stories do you think is the most interesting?
Exclusive Artist Reece White ' I Love it Large'- 6
Best 5 clubs to hit - 3
Free Holiday to Ibiza - 1

The results show that the majority of the people would prefer to read the main storyline featured with the main image which is the result that I had expected. 

4. Is the front cover appealing?
Yes - 8
No -  2

-Eye Catching
-Looks vibrant
-Good music
-Looks interesting
-Not my taste in music
-Don't like music

From these results I can see that every person was appealed by my front cover apart from two who did not like the taste in music and doesn't like music. I think I have had  great positive feedback and my cover appeals as a bold vibrant magazine, which is what I would expect to interest to the target audience.

5. Which of the following age groups do you think the magazine appeals to?
-12 - 15 year old           3
-16 - 18 year old           6
-19 - 24 year old           2
-25 - 35 year old

My results are positive feedback as the most popular age of 16-18 year olds are generally the centre age of my target audience. I think the younger ages of 12- 15 year olds is understandable because of the bright colours.

6. Which gender do you think this magazine is targeting?
-Male                             6
-Female                        1
-Male and Female       3

These are expected results as the majority think the target audience is men, forced by the male on the front cover. Although some may see as it targeted to females because of the male 'crush' figure on the cover, not just for his music.

7. Which genre of music do you associate with the cover of the magazine?
-Pop                             1
- Rock                        
-Rave/Dance               9
-Other, please state.

Nearly all of the answers match the genre set for my music magazine which is a successful results, other than the one answer. 

Contents Page
8. Is the layout of the contents page clear and easy to use?
-Yes           9
-No            1

The majority of the people thought my contents page was clear and not difficult to use other than one, which I feel is successful.

9. Is the contents page attractive to look at?
-Yes          10
-No             0

This is a pleasing result as I feel the appearance is one of my strongest points of my contents page, with all people in question saying 'Yes'.

10. Does the contents page resemble a page from a music magazine?
-Yes               10
-No                  0

These are also expected results as I concentrated on 'Q' magazine when creating my contents page, which I think is what the people in question related it to.

Double Page Spread
11. Is the content of the article of interest to you? Please Give Reason
-Yes               8
-No                 2

-It's humorous
-The music doesn't interest me
-Background information
-Career life story
-Extremely realistic
-Not my preferable storyline
-Career Story

The two of the people in question did not like the content, which id only because did not interest them. The other reasons are also what I intended to be the people's perception of the article as they were my purposes.

12. Does the headline make you want to read the article?
-Yes                             9
-No                               1

This is a pleasing result from the question other than the one person which may be because of their different taste in music, other than that I feel that it is a achieving Headline.

13. Does the main picture represent the content of the article?
-Yes                            8
-No                              2

The majority of people thought that the picture did represent the content, however two people didn't. I think this may be because of the content of my article, it was difficult to capture an image including his career today and background, so just a plain image of him was successful.

14. How would you rate the layout of the article?
Bad 1 - Good 5
These are pleasing results for the layout, showing that it is clear and spread out, this may be because of concentrating on 'Q' magazine's layout.

15. How would you rate the overall quality of the front cover, contents page and double page spread? 
Bad 1 - Good 5

This overall rating is extremely pleasing as they are all mostly high scores. The lower scores may be excused for the people who didn't appeal to the genre of music, which may have influenced the overall score. Although the majority of the answers were positive and I think my magazine pages were successful.

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