Tuesday 3 May 2011


What have you learn about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When creating my magazine product I used many different technologies, some which i was frequent of using and others which I have never experienced before.

Firstly I used the internet which a am familiarly used to, to do market research and research other information on magazine products which I could reflect into my own to make it as realistic as famous well known magazines.

I also used a 12.0 mega pixel camera for the photo's used in all images, this involved changing the settings of the camera to match it's environment and shot. This including the lighting and using zoom to fit the picture in an appropriate shot. By then using Windows live photo gallery I was then allowed to edit the pictures contrast to make the colours stand out on the picture, such as the artist's blue eyes against the natural colours.

I programme which I was not familiar with was Paint Shop Pro. I used this in editing the images such as the main image of the artist to remove the background by using a rubber tool and carefully working round the edge of the body to eliminate it. After time of using this programme I am now familiar with it and intend to use it in future projects. 

Another programme that I had never used before was Adobe In-design. By frequent practice of using the programme I became familiar with it and confident in using it. The programme allowed me to layout my design of my three pages, by then creating layers by making my product. It allowed me to use different fonts and techniques such as 'stroke' to make my product look efficient.

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