Monday 29 November 2010

My Evaluation Of Questionnaire

For my questionnaire I got 7 males to answer the questions and 3 females as it is mostly males that the magazine is targeting, which i thought would give more suitable answers.
   The favourite masthead for the magazine was 'BEATZ' with 7 votes, although 3 people voteds for 'SONIC'. The reason for these people to choose 'SONIC' i think was because of the macthing slogan to go with it which was 'Get on it like sonic' which also had 3 votes. Although the favourite slogan was 'Read on, Rave on' which had a total of 6 votes. Also 'Weekly rave blasts had 1 vote. Becuase of this i think it is best to slightly change one of the slogans slightly as one of them did not stand out. The best way to achieve this is to slightly change the slogan although keep the word 'rave' in it. but to just word it different. I think this would be appropiate to do because most people liked the slogans which contained the word 'rave'.
 All of the people in question would've rather seen a 'male' artist on the front cover of the magazine which is what I intend to put on there.
  The favourite stories that were chosen to be in the magazine are 'What and where are the recent gigs?' and 'Latestmusic of artists'. These were the two post popular stories in the questionnaire, although i main contain one other when it comes ot creating my magazine front cover.
   The favourite colours that were chose to appear on the magazine cover were 'neon' colours. So any colour which is reflectively bright. Some of the most popluar colours were 'Green' 'Yellow' 'Pink'.
       For the releasing of the magaizine 8 out of the 10 people in question would rather it to be released 'monthly' and the other 'weekly'. I think also it is more appropiate to release it monthly.
     A subject that come in question '9' was that the majority of the people felt that it was important that the magazine contained information and invloved all the lastest music and artists that are currently releasing. Because of this answer being so popular it is one that i will concentrate on the most.
Also the price with the most votes for the magazine was '£1-£1.99' with all 10 people voting for it.

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