Tuesday 1 March 2011

Contents idea's

This contents page is affective because of it's main story featured 'DRUMMER' which is clear by the main image with a male on the drums in action. It is also linked with the large bold heading. It also contains 5 other subsidiary images which is good because it is more attractive than writing. They are all containing page numbers which tells the reader immediately where they will find the information they want. The heading 'features' also includes other information of what's in the magazine containing page numbers and a small description. The '+ regulars' is a good feature to the page as it is used every week in the magazine as if readers are expected to find something which is a regular to the magazine they will immediately know where to find it. Although it is unclear on the magazine to recognise what magazine it is from.

This contents page is different to other contents pages. It has a very efficient image which shows the main artist the magazine is featured on which will be found in the magazine. Although there is not a main heading to go with this as the main heading is 'contents', but I think there should be a small heading of some sort to explain the main story. Very little page numbers are used on the page and they are also in a very small font which will not appeal to the readers eye. It is also unclear to see what magazine it is from.

I think this is a very effective contents page as it includes mostly everything. The main image is good as it includes a band that is featured and the name and page number is also included below it with a small description. It is also evident to see what magazine it is from because of  the 'Q' in the left hand side top corner. It is similar to the other content pages as it has 'features' with the page numbers listed below. It is also similar in the way that it has the section for the regular readers under the heading 'every month' which is what readers will be expecting.